Baez revealed this in his book and he says the fact that it was never brought up implicates a State coverup for George. Apparently the searches were done that afternoon while George was at work implication Casey.
Burdick said she never asked investigators to search for the term "suffocation" specifically before or during the trial but that, "I asked for a full history of June 16, 2008, before trial. I have those emails."
Linda Drane Burdick didn't know about the evidence until after Casey was acquitted of killing Caylee.
Baez,revealed their computer expert found the Anthony computer suffocation search in a mirror image of the hard drive the state provided them.
A sheriff's official said Tuesday that law enforcement experts failed to find the search in the same hard drive.
Capt. Angelo Nieves told WESH 2 News,"We're looking to see how we can do things better in the future. There are a number of things we can take away from the episode."