Outside of the courthouse protesters have been seen as well as police on horseback. At least two deputies have arrived at the Orange County Courthouse with gas masks.
After the verdict the defense celebrated at a restaurant across the street from the courthouse and Mason even gave "the bird" to spectators outside the place. On Facebook, the emails of the Florida Bar Association has been circulating inviting people to file a complaint against him for his actions. Even an attorney filed bar complaint against him for making that obscene gesture.
As George and Cindy entered the courtroom, George took a deep breath and Cindy said good morning. They seem less stressed definitely! Casey had her hair down today and was wearing a blue V-neck sweater. *the most annoying thing is that she keeps playing with her hair especially when Baez walked in!* She's constantly smiling and seems very enthusiastic even making a motion as if she is driving a car! George was staring her down.
JP: Mr. Baez, you had asked me to reserve ruling in your motion for mistrial. CM: We withdraw motion for mistrial. Laughs in court room. JP: OK, that takes care of that. Linda Burdick says costs of investigation can be handled at a later time and that it is not punitive. Judge Perry Court will retain jurisdiction to determine costs.
Defense says all 4 counts (false info to LE) were one act and should be considered as 1 count. Defense is arguing it would be double jeopordy to charge Casey with 3 of the 4 counts of lying. Frye says the statements were all made in one statement on one day ( w/ Det. Yuri Melich). *Reports are that Casey smiles whenever she hears a news helicopter outside. *
JP: Count 4, providing false info, what is alleged? LF: Lied about working at Universal. JP: Did LE have to take additional steps as result of that lie? LF: Yes.He asks about the other counts and basically the defense is arguing that she lied once not multiple times. JP: Saying defendant didn't have time to pause, reflect and form new criminal intent for each act? LF: Yes. There has to be some separation of time, circumstances in the lying to cops charge.
Judge asks if defense has anything else prior to imposing sentence? CM:No. JP: Client want to say anything? CM:No.
JP: Casey Anthony lied about working at Univ, caused LE to expend resources to determine it wasn't true.
JP: Count 6 - she said she told Hopkins/Lewis of disappearance, Count 7 said she got call from Caylee
JP: the lies perpetuated search for Caylee Anthony. Jury spoke loud and clear for cts 4,5,6&7. 1 year in jail on each consec. Gave her max for lies but says he's going to spend time with attorneys figuring out credit for time served. JP: I will sentence you to 1 yr in the Orange County Jail + $1000 fine on each count, to run consecutively. Casey just looks angry as always, looked angrier when Baez basically told her she wasn't getting out today! Judge says possibly late July, early August, but has to get it calculated to say for sure. *Hmmm, they better keep her protected in jail, because I can just imagine what they will do to her in jail. Who thinks she will get out of jail unharmed?* Judge reserving jurisdiction for 60 days for purposes of hearing state's motion for costs. He basically sentenced her to 4 years minus time served plus $4000.00
She will remain in protective custody at the jail until she is released. She will never be with general population. Court officials will calculate release date within the next hour based on time served. She was all smiles this morning but doesn't look so happy anymore. JP: Do you wish to appeal? JB: Reserve right to make that decision. JP: Have 30 days or its waived. JP: Can she afford atty for it? JB: No, your honor but we-- JP: File appeal w/clerk in timely manner, yr responsibility.
Court dismissed.
So there you go, she may leave late July or Early August!
Update: Casey Anthony court docs: Ordered to start paying court costs in $20 monthly installments starting 2-15-12. So far she owes $ 4618.00. Court papers show Casey given 1043 days credit for time served. Four years = 1460 days. So still 417 to serve? If 417 days left to serve, she'll get out late August 2012. Can she earn gain time while serving so out sooner?According to HLN, Gain time is only available to people who work in the jail. She is not legible for this since she is in protective custody.
UPDATE: Casey Anthony will be released July 13, 2011!!! She gets out next Wednesday!!!!!!
The following are the minutes from today's sentence:
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